The biggest investors on the planet are Venture Capitalists and they know that to get the highest returns, to get the biggest capital gains and the best investments ... you buy entire companies. 

And, it's obvious that the richest people on the planet all built their wealth through business ... so if you want to build serious wealth, if you want to get VC level returns ... you need to learn exactly why they invest this way and then truly understand how you can do it too ...

Next Live Event: August 28th - 29th, 2024

 Learn More In The Video Below And Join "Entrepreneurs" Today!

Learning how to think like a serial entrepreneur is just the beginning of your journey to building wealth and not just cashflow through your business.

In just 2 days you'll learn how to flip companies for real cash and serious capital gains!

Here’s what some of the students I’ve worked with have to say: 

See For Yourself…

Sharon T. (Charlotte, NC)

"Bought a business valued at $400k for $250k. Have increased margins by 15%, which is now at 38%."

John F. (Colchester, UK)

"Both my partner and I have left the rat race and have increased our net worth to about $1.2 million. We own over 50 investment properties worth about $3.8 million. 
Thank you Brad!"

Daniel Turner

"The course acted as a catalyst that has created enormous growth in me personally and financially. I feel more balanced and capable than ever before in my life."

Learn how to find and negotiate deals like a VC with your own set of rules of what to buy and what to run away from.

Your next phase is the turnaround of those companies to not only increase the multiple of profit value but also the 7 multipliers of your profits. 

Finally, you decide on whether it's a keeper that runs without you or an asset worth selling and thus the 4 stages of the sales process ...

Discover how to:

Scale great little companies into amazing large ​climbing the entrepreneurial ladder in your knowledge...

Buy promising businesses, increase their value and sell them for top dollar...

Establish your work-life balance while still achieving massive success...

Set up businesses that run themselves and provide you with the capital to expand your investments....

Discover how to:

I want to share with you how I have bought, built or sold more than 50 companies in my lifetime, and how I create hundreds of millions in annual revenues... 

...and how to turn those revenues and profits into actual measurable wealth for myself and my family for generations!

You've seen the TV shows, now come see how it's done in real life ... flipping real estate is one thing, flipping businesses is a totally different game... but it's the best investment game in town ... let me explain ...

If you are at all like me, you are driven to be more, do more and have more ... more experiences, more friends, more fun and of course, more wealth to pay for it all ...

And by wealth, I mean serious wealth, tens or even hundreds of millions and a massive level of free cashflow month after month...

As you know, none of that happens by accident, it takes planning and execution by you and your team ... and that my friend takes knowledge ...

The learning work is the hardest work and yet if you find the right mentor you can cut your learning time down to days and weeks not years and decades ...

And that my friend is what you and I will do together ...

My job as your mentor is to build you, to shape your knowledge and help you follow the process I'll outline that creates a lifetime of wealth ...

My Entrepreneurs Training is the event you need and I am the mentor to get you there ...You see, if Entrepreneurs was about just the knowledge you get, it would be an amazing course …

In fact, if Entrepreneurs was about just the skills you walk away with, it would be a phenomenal 2 daysOr, if Entrepreneurs was about just the motivation you experience, it would be an exhilarating event …

If Entrepreneurs was just about the entrepreneurial business strategies you learn and understand, it would be an abundantly profitable event …

If it were just about the high ROI producing investment strategies, it would be one of the world’s greatest investments itself …

If it were just about hanging out with hundreds of other passionate, powerful and wealth oriented people, it would be the time of your life …

But, it's not just one thing ...It's all these and more ...But it isn't for those who don't want serious wealth...

Most of the time, when people are given a choice between doing what’s comfortable and trying something new, they’ll choose what’s comfortable. And, you know what the problem with that is ... if doing what was comfortable worked, they would already have everything they wanted ... but it doesn't ...

So, this is a fact … 10 years from now, you'll be 10 years older ... but will you be 10 times wealthier? As I said before, serious wealth doesn't happen by accident. It happens by you having a plan ... 

So Let's build your plan together and let's do it right now ... right now, because the market is so full of incredible deals!

8 more reasons you just have to attend Entrepreneurs training this year...

oh and why the event actually works... meaning it creates multi-millionaires!

  • There has never been a better time with more disruption and craziness to find and create phenomenal deals. You would not believe some of the deals we are seeing done across the country and  the planet ... and now it's your turn, but you have to learn ASAP, and ...
  • The first 2 hours on Day 1 I will show you the 6 Universal Principles of Wealth ... it's crazy how few people even know these let alone understand how they apply. But you know the largest Venture Capitalists use them in every deal ... then ...
  • You'll invest 4 hours on not just what to buy, but also what not to. My RULES for doing deals that make money time after time. Then it's about due-diligence and how to examine every deal, my 100 point checklist you just have to follow on every deal ... Also his 50-10-3-1 rule for your deal making ...
  • That afternoon you'll get to see how I get finance for all his deals and how he negotiates based on my bottom up valuation strategy ... once you learn my key valuation metrics and his favorite finance system your negotiations are so much simpler... 
  • Session 5 is all about the 2 main build levels and how you build fast for a quick sale ... your valuations and sale levels come from profits, so when you understand how I use just 48 strategies across all platform companies you'll see how you can always get the exit price you want ... 
  • How to sell for full value is what sessions 6 and 7 cover ... from the targeting of the right buyers, to the way you present all your information and the ultimate negotiations. Learning to know why they are buying you and what your true value to the buyer is are crucial to exit properly ...
  • How to franchise, float or or have the business run forever are the subjects of Session 8 ... and what a way to finish out the 2 days ... franchising is an such a powerful business model to learn and understand. Taking your company to a public offering or building it to run without you will get your creative mind running ...
  • This is an interactive virtual experience like you’ve never seen before ... and I'm clear that I can cover almost 50% more teaching for you in the same time with virtual session over an in person event and you don't have to pay for flights, ubers and hotels ...

Add To All This Knowledge The Fact That Throughout The 2 Days...

you'll get to connect with business owners from around the world, participate in small-group activities and practice what you’re learning in real time.

Now is the time for you to get ahead ...

(Get the joke, Sugars - Sweeten bahahaha - OK so Dad joke)

BONUS #1:  90 Days To Revolutionize Your Life

(Value $2,997TODAY FOR FREE

Life, Business and Wealth principles last forever. They don't change with the birth and death of industries, and they never cease to play a role in how businesses grow. 

"90 Days to Revolutionize your LIFE" is a 90-day stream of hard-won principles that I have personally developed over the past 30 years as an entrepreneur, investor, and business advisor. 
The 90 videos in this program represent the most potent entrepreneurial, wealth and life advice I can possibly give you. You can go through it once, twice or as many times as you need to grasp and implement all the strategies, ideas, formulas and lessons ... you can watch it over and over again on your own schedule by yourself or with your team ...

BONUS #2: Pay in FULL Bonus and you bring another person


If you want to go fast, go alone ... if you want to go far, go together ... this African Proverb is the exact reason I want to give you a free ticket for your friend or family member ...
It's crazy to think how much easier it is when we learn and grow together. Someone to bounce ideas off, someone to help you both understand and implement. 

Two minds are better than one they say. Who would be on your list to bring with you ...? A family member, your spouse or partner, a friend who you know wants success and wealth the same way you do ... or maybe your child or grandchild ... the choice is yours when you pay up front ...

register in ENTREPRENEURS today!

you pay only: $5,997

Next live event Starts...

August 28th - 29th, 2024 @ 7am - 2pm PST




Everything Brad does has a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If after you attend the first LIVE or VIRTUAL EVENT you believe the course will not benefit to you we will happily refund your entire investment.
Let's recap
This is what you're getting when you join Brad's Entrepreneurs Live Event:
  ENTREPRENEURS Event (Value $5,997): LIVE Session - This ENTREPRENEURS event is not for people looking to just get by, it's for you if you want to be a top entrepreneur and manage your money to create generational wealth ...2 days of proven strategies and practical tools for transforming your wealth and your life.
 Bonus #1 - 90 Days To Revolutionize Your Life (Value $2,997) FREE:  90 Days to Revolutionize your LIFE" is a 90-day stream of hard-won principles that I have personally developed over the past 30 years as an entrepreneur, investor, and business advisor. 
 Bonus #2 - Pay in FULL 2nd Person (Value $5,997) FREE:  Two minds are better than one they say. Who would be on your list to bring with you ...? A family member, your spouse or partner, a friend who you know wants success and wealth the same way you do ... or maybe your child or grandchild ... the choice is yours when you pay up front ...

total: $14,991

you pay: $ 5,997

**you save: $8,994

register in the ENTREPRENEURS LIVE EVENT today!

YOU PAY: $ 5,997

This is a special Today to Save $8,994 Once you close this page, you will never see this offer again


Next live event Starts...

August 28th - 29th, 2024 @ 7am - 2pm PST

We've worked with thousands of entrepreneurs around the world,

Here's What They Have to Say...

Created By Brad Sugars

As a pioneer in the business coaching industry, Brad Sugars’ mission is to give entrepreneurs and business owners the proven tools needed to start making more cash, working more efficiently, and enjoying more of what they actually like to do.

Widely known as one of the top business coaches in the world, Brad has 30+ years of business experience, is currently the CEO of numerous companies, and is the owner of the multi-million dollar franchise ActionCOACH®.

"Being a successful entrepreneur isn't about "hustle and grind." If you work harder than everyone and have no idea what you're doing, you still won't get anywhere.

When you’re starting or growing your businesses, you need clear systems and action plans to systematically create wealth - so you can work smarter, not harder. After all a true business is a commercial, profitable enterprise that works without you. That’s why you must “learn before you earn."

- Brad Sugars


Where/when is ENTREPRENEURS?

This year's ENTREPRENEURS events will be held online on:
- August 28th - 29th, 2024, from 7am - 2pm PST.

How will I access the online links for each day?

Links and passwords for each day will be emailed one week prior to start of ENTREPRENEURS. You will also have access to them in your portal.

Is my ticket refundable?

All tickets are 100% refundable within 30 days of the event. To request a refund, please contact our support team.

If you’re looking for the event of a lifetime, this is it. The information and education you’ll get in just a few days has the potential to change your entire future. Act now and erase your worries for good.


Need Support? Contact us:
Copyright 2023 Brad Sugars Inc. All rights reserved.