It's time to do your digital marketing the RIGHT way

Learn how to turn your social media followers into leads, start real conversations with real prospects and generate sales from your digital marketing

Join My 2-day "Raise Your Hand Marketing" Bootcamp

  Learn More In The Video Below And Join the bootcamp today!

No matter which platform you use, LinkedIn, Emails, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, the core strategy behind it has to remain the same!

So, why "raise your hand marketing" bootcamp?

Over this 2-day bootcamp I want to be your mentor and coach... teaching you not only the 3 stages of digital marketing, but exactly how you implement them, time after time with consistent results...

Remember this, change your thinking and you change your world...

We're going to go through all three of these things, how you can create well,  actually,  how we make digital marketing fun for you?

Because when it's fun for you, it means it's making money for you. It's getting results, and we can scale it and build the business from it.

Stage #1:

Get your ideal client to raise their hand

How can we captivate potential buyers who are genuinely interested and financially qualified? 

It's not about just anyone raising their hand; we aim to attract individuals who possess a genuine interest in our products or services and have the financial means to make a purchase.

Stage #2:

Turn those hands into conversations

So we get them to raise their hand first, Second we prioritize initiating meaningful conversations!

Whether through direct messages on Instagram, email exchanges, or phone calls. It's crucial for us to establish engaging dialogues with prospective buyers to build rapport and further nurture their interest.

Stage #3:

Turn conversations into sales

In our pursuit of success, we utilize various approaches to achieve our objectives. 

These encompass a wide spectrum of techniques, such as optimizing our website to enhance user experience, crafting informative articles and captivating content to captivate our audience, implementing conversational methodologies to foster engaging interactions, and developing irresistible offers that are hard to resist. 

By employing this diverse range of strategies, we adopt a holistic approach that maximizes our potential for achieving outstanding results.

Here’s what some of the students I’ve worked with have to say: 

See For Yourself…

"Absolutely incredible!  I loved learning about the streaming platforms, the differences between social media and social marketing and the importance of having conversations online!"
- Jennifer
"It really changed my mind.  I discovered a lot of strategies I wasn't using at all.  I highly recommend this class!"

- Gancho
"This is the sixth masterclass I've taken and I haven't regretted any of them.  Digital Marketing is the future - if you don't learn it, someone else is ..."

- Brad
"The masterclass was eye opening! I learned to make sure to market for a specific niche and connect with people on different social media platforms  If you're thinking about attending, I would highly recommend you do so."
- Kate
"It was fantastic!  It was great to be able to ask any questions and meet all these fellow people. My biggest Blinding Flash of the Obvious has been to be more proactive and create a plan for our marketing strategies."
- Hannah
"This masterclass was a lifetime experience. It was 38 minutes into the session when I realized I already have information to create leads. If you care about acquiring business online, you should definitely attend."
- Breanne
Join My 2-day "Raise Your Hand Marketing" Bootcamp
...and learn how to create well, make digital marketing fun for you and scale it and build the business from it!
  2-day LIVE Zoom Sessions (7 Hours each session) 

Coming in 2024
Both days from 7am-2pm Pacific Time!


Your Investment to join: $ 5,997

This is a special offer today, you will never see this offer again!


Everything Brad does has a 100% Money Back Guarantee. All tickets are 100% refundable within 14 days of the event. To request a refund, please contact
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